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And enjoy your life

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There's a lot of information out there, and it can be hard to figure out what's right and wrong to follow.


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Hello, I'm Dominic Bacani

I'm a personal trainer in both Orange and Corona, California, and I'm here to help as many people as possible through the art of movement and physical activity. Like the old Socrates quote below, I believe everybody should know what their body is truly capable of.

We all have the power to take control of our lives and make a difference in the world, whether you know it or not. If you don't think you can, I'll do my best to help you believe otherwise. If you know you can but just need a little help, I'll be there to help. I'll be there as a tool and as a guide to help you accomplish your fitness goals.

“No man has the right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable.”  -Socrates

Over the years, I have helped many people become stronger than they ever have before, physically and mentally. With my degree in kinesiology from California State University Fullerton, multiple fitness certifications, and my experience as a coach and athlete in the sports of gymnastics and wrestling, I’ve become very experienced and knowledgeable with how the body works and moves. My job is to teach you the principles of fitness and get you strong enough to handle any challenge, so you can see for yourself that you have the power to take control and make a change in your life.

For the moment all discipline seems painful rather than pleasant, but later it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it.
-Hebrews 12:11

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"Dominic is a game changer when it comes to physical training. With his knowledge of the body, and how everything works, you will accomplish things you did not think possible.
Years of knee and shoulder pain gone, replaced by confidence and knowledge. The aesthetically pleasing physique is merely icing on the cake!"
- Louise, 70 years old
-5 lbs
-6% body fat


So there's a few ways that we can work together...

In Person Training

  • Train in person with me at Train With Dave in Orange, Ca, or at Reign Training Facility in Corona, CA.

  • Live feedback and corrections with all exercises to ensure safety and progress

  • Endless motivation and teaching so you can start to be self-sufficient

  • Nutrition advice so you can fuel your strength, as well as work towards your individual goals of losing weight or gaining muscle

Online Training

  • All communication is done online

  • You send me what goals you have and what you're working with, and I send you the plan that you can get done on your own according to your schedule

  • Send in videos of you exercising and I can give you feedback to ensure safety and proper progress

  • Send in progress pictures, measurements, and weigh-ins to ensure the plan is working and make adjustments if necessary

  • Access to email me at any time

Hybrid Training

  • Along with having everything that's included with online training, you'll also meet with me in person for training sessions as needed

  • You can check in with me both over email and in person, whichever works best for you

  • Sessions can be utilized to work on movements you may need extra help with

Here's what they all have in common

  • Reassurance that you're doing the right exercises with corrections and feedback

  • Peace of mind that a plan has been made for you and that you are being guided the whole way

  • Knowledge of the science behind exercise and fitness, taught by someone who loves to teach

  • Motivation from someone who wants you to succeed

  • Confidence by changing how you see yourself in the mirror, physically and mentally

  • Results from your own hard work

Contact Me

Phone Number:



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Opening Hours

Mon - Fri:


5:00 am – 1 pm @ Train With Dave

8:00 am – 12 pm @ Reign Training Facility



Located at

Train With Dave - Orange

303 E Katella Ave, Orange, CA 92867

Reign Training Facility, SoCo

265 E Ontario Ave, Corona, CA, 92879


Interested in training with me?

Fill out the form below if you have any questions or would like more information

Thanks for submitting!

© 2023 by Dominic Bacani Personal Training Inc.

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